(December 7, 2024) An online networking event for current students and alumni working in Asia and Australia held, co-hosted by two student groups, GERNE and Diligent University of Tokyo, and the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office, with the cooperation of nine ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in Asia and Australia
On December 7, 2024 (JST), an online networking event was held between current ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app students and alumni with the aim of providing students with an opportunity to directly talk with ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni currently working in Asia and Australia.
The online networking event was co-hosted by two student groups, GERNE and Diligent University of Tokyo, and the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office, with the cooperation of nine ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in Asia and Australia, namely the Todai Beijing Friendship Association, Shanghai Icho-kai, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Taiwan, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of the Philippines, Vietnam Akamon-kai, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Singapore, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of India, Melbourne Akamon-kai, and Sydney Tansei-kai. Many alumni of various backgrounds in Asia and Australia gathered. In addition, students showing interest in studying at Asian and Australian graduate schools and working in Asia and Australia registered for the event.
In total, 16 alumni and 39 current ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app students participated in the event, including Mr. Koichi Sato, President of the San Francisco Akamon-kai, Mr. Akitaka Moriyama of GERNE, and Mr. Katayama of Diligent, and Mr. Kiyokazu Tomoyoshi and Ms. Junko Suzuki of the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office were among the participating staff. Three 30-minute breakout room sessions were held, and each breakout room, with various themes such as Tech, Venture Capital, Startup, Marketing, Study Abroad, Research/Think Tank, International Institutions, Women's Careers, etc., was hosted by related alumni. In addition, an extra 30-minute session was set for those who did not have enough time to talk.
Participating students gave many favorable comments. These comments included the following:
?“It was great to hear so many very informative stories from alumni.”
?“Thank you for this rare opportunity to speak with alumni who are knowledgeable in my field of interest.”
?“The meeting progressed very smoothly and I was able to have a variety of helpful talks with alumni without stress.”
Online Event: “How Can the University of Tokyo Expand Its Influence Globally?”
Aug 9, 2024, Friday, 8.30pm-9.30pm+ (EDST) (Saturday, Aug 10, 9.30am~10.30am+, Japan)
Friends of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app is pleased to present this online dialogue featuring three distinguished alumni: Professor Iwao Ojima, Mr. Ko-Yung Tung and Ms. Eri Furusawa. Dr. Ojima is an internationally renowned scientist and the Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Mr. Tung, Esq., is an eminent international lawyer, scholar, and global business and strategy advisor, as well as a ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumnus. Ms. Eri Furusawa is an HR&A professional, an urban planner, and supports public- and private-sector clients on issues of equitable governance, inclusive community engagement, and climate change. (Their bios are at this link: ).
This event is part of a series created to bring together ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app international alumni for encouraging dialogues among ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni and friends.
The panel discussion among the three speakers will be followed by a Q&A session and an optional social gathering. Prof. Geeta Mehta will chair this event with Masako Osako facilitating the social gathering section.
´ºÓêÖ±²¥app is committed to the mission of serving the global public as outlined in the University Charter. Under the leadership of the former President Gonokami in 2017, the University of Tokyo created the Future Society Initiative (FSI) and has undertaken a variety of measures, including “the expansion of diversity and inclusiveness, the international visibility of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app’s potential, and the fostering of human resources capable of leading GX (green transformation).” Under the leadership of the current President, Prof. Fujii, the University has launched an initiative to establish a “College of Design” (tentative name) as part of its efforts to “create a university model for the 21st century.” The present dialogue will explore how ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app can effectively influence and lead global opinions. Capitalizing on the extensive and diverse international experience of participating alumni, we expect to come up with deeper insight into the initiative as well as suggestions as to how alumni may help the University’s efforts, which will be conveyed to the office of President Fujii.
Format: Zoom invite will be sent to people who RSVP
Language: English (panel discussion), English and Japanese (Q and A)
RSVP: Please RSVP by August 6 by mailing your response to Info@friendsofutokyo.org with 1) your name, 2) email address, 3) major and year of graduation at Tokyo, 4) current affiliation, 5) questions for the presenters.
Organizer: Friends of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app ()
Co-sponsors: Satsuki-kai America, FUTI Alumni Association, New York Icho-kai, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association in Washington D.C. (to be confirmed) and others
Note: Photos taken during the session may be used in FUTI’s online and offline publications. Please inform the organizer prior to the lecture if you do not wish to be included in the photos.
(June 22, 2024) An online networking event for current students and alumni working in Europe held, co-hosted by six ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in Europe, the student group GERNE, Diligent University of Tokyo and the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office
On June 22, 2024, (JST) an online networking event was held between current ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app students and alumni with the aim of providing students with an opportunity to directly talk with ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni currently working in Europe. The online networking event was co-hosted by six ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in Europe, namely the University of Tokyo Alumni Association in UK, Europe Akamon-kai (France), Dusseldorf Akamon-kai, Tansei-Kai Nederland, Swiss Alumni Association of the University of Tokyo, and Brussels Akamon-kai; two student groups, GERNE and Diligent University of Tokyo; and the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office.
Many alumni of various backgrounds in Europe gathered. In addition, students showing interest in studying at European graduate schools and working in Europe applied for the event. In total, 22 alumni and 48 current ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app students participated in the event. Mr. Koichi Sato, President of the San Francisco Akamon-kai, Mr. Akitaka Moriyama of GERNE, Ms. Kai of Diligent, and Mr. Kiyokazu Tomoyoshi and Ms. Junko Suzuki of the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Development Office were among the participating staff.
Three 30-minute breakout room sessions were held, and each breakout room, with various themes such as Tech, Venture Capital, Startup, Marketing, Study Abroad, Research/Thinktank, International Institutions, women's careers, etc., was hosted by the related alumni. In addition, an extra 30-minute session was set for those who did not have enough time to talk.
Participating students gave many favorable comments. These comments included the following:
?“It was a meaningful time for me to talk with the alumni in the breakout room”.
?“I am planning to go abroad on an exchange program and got valuable, relevant information from the alumni”.
?“I appreciated the opportunity to stay and talk directly with the alumni after each session was over”.
A similar event inviting alumni working in Asia and students having an interest in Asia is planned for around November or December.
(December 18, 2023) An online networking event for current students and alumni working in the Americas held, co-hosted by six ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in the Americas, student group GERNE and ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Office for Alumni Affairs
On December 16, 2023 JST (December 15, 2023 PST), an online networking event for current students and alumni was held with a view to provide students an opportunity to directly talk with ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni currently working in the Americas, co-hosted by six ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni associations in the Americas including San Francisco Akamon-kai, Satsuki-kai America, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association in Washington DC, Chicago Akamon-kai, Seattle Tansei-kai, and Todai Chiri-kai; GERNE, a ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app student group that plans and organizes online international exchange events; and ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Office for Alumni Affairs.
Many alumni with various backgrounds gathered from the Americas. Students who are interested in studying at US graduate schools as well as working in the Americas applied for the event. In total, 26 alumni and 23 current students participated in the event. Staff members included Mr. Koichi Sato, President of the San Francisco Akamon-kai, Mr. Akitaka Moriyama from GERNE, and Mr. Kiyokazu Tomoyoshi and Ms. Kazuko Fukumi from the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Office for Alumni Affairs.
Three 30-minute breakout room sessions were held, and each breakout room, with titles such as Tech, Venture Capital, Startup, Marketing, GAFAM, Study Abroad, Research/Thinktank, International Institutions, etc., was hosted by related alumni.
Also, rooms for exchanging among alumni were set up in order to strengthen alumni networks.
Most of the students gave favorable comments as follows:
?The event gave me the opportunity to directly listen to alumni who play active roles in the US.
?I now have a clearer vision about studying abroad.
A similar event inviting alumni working in Europe and current students will be held around next May.
(November 13, 2023) Report on the Lecture and Social Gathering hosted by FUTI
Friends of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Inc. (FUTI) hosted a lecture and social gathering with Dr. Yuichi Shimada, Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University on Friday, November 10, 2023 (U.S. Eastern Time; Saturday, November 11, Japan Standard Time). The topic of the lecture was “Interacting with Doctors in the US: From the Viewpoint of a Practicing Clinician.” Dr. Shimada discussed unique features of medical/healthcare practice in the US, which was of great interest to the audience. His discussion included topics such as 1) the diversity of the MDs' specialties (e.g., primary doctors vs. specialty physicians) and hierarchy in the profession (e.g., interns, residents, attending physicians); 2) healthcare insurance systems; and 3) the role of language interpreters in the US medical practice. Nearly 60 people registered for the lecture. Their comments included: “The lecture was useful for understanding the complicated medical/healthcare system in the US”; “I wish more Japanese people living in the US could have known about this lecture”; and “In principle, medical interpreters are supposed to be available, if needed, at hospitals and physicians’ offices, but, in actual practice, they are not.” During the social gathering that followed the lecture, the participants were divided into three groups for casual exchanges. Group 1 was led by Dr. Shimada, while Group 2 was chaired by Dr. Yuichiro Kuwama, Vice President of FUTI and Director of the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Tokyo Marine Memorial Clinic. These two sessions discussed medical care in the US. Participants in Group 3 had a good time exchanging recent personal news and topics related to living in the US. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Shimada and everyone who supported this event. Organized by: Friends of the University of Tokyo (FUTI) Supported by: Satsuki-kai America, New York Icho-kai, University of Tokyo New York Office, Washington DC Area University of Tokyo Alumni Association, FUTI Alumni Association
Brief biography of the lecturer:
Yuichi Shimada, Associate Professor of Cardiology, Columbia University Medical Center, USA. Dr. Shimada graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine in 2007, where he received his US medical license while still a student. After initial training at Asahi Chuo Hospital and the University of Tokyo Hospital, he worked as a resident and chief resident in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital. From 2012, he was a specialist resident in cardiology at Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital; from 2015, he was an instructor in cardiovascular medicine at Harvard University Massachusetts General Hospital; and in 2017 was appointed Associate Professor of Cardiology at Columbia University Medical Center. On the research front, he received his Master of Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in 2014 alongside his clinical training, and as the head of a research laboratory since 2021, he has been a recipient of multiple research grants (R01 grants) from the NIH. He is the author of “All About Studying Medicine in the United States” and “All About Studying Medicine Abroad.”
(November 13, 2023) Dialogue with Yukio Tanaka: “Reflections of a World Bank Professional on the Changing World and Japan”
Mr. Tanaka currently holds the position of Senior Water Resources Specialist at the World Bank. Since 2017, he has been involved in World Bank projects in over 30 developing countries.
During the dialogue, Mr. Tanaka presented on the following five topics using slides: (1) the World Bank, (2) the world seen through water issues, (3) sample case studies of World Bank projects, and (4) Japanese individuals venturing onto the global stage.
Many participants expressed enthusiastic responses. Their comments included, "I was very inspired not only by the explanation of your specialty but also by your discussion of building an international career," and “In Japan and the coastal areas of the United States, water resource shortage is not a familiar issue. The lecture was very easy to understand, even for a layperson like myself, and it deepened my understanding of the water resource problem that we need to address."
In the Q&A session that followed the dialogue, many individuals from diverse backgrounds who are active in both Japan and overseas participated, resulting in a meaningful exchange of opinions and questions. Here are some examples:
Participant: Which regions around the world are experiencing water shortages?
Tanaka: You can easily imagine the Middle East, but surprisingly, China and the United States are also regions where water shortages are a concern.
Participant: What is the proportion of natural factors and human factors causing water shortages?
Tanaka: Although it is difficult to pinpoint a definitive percentage to answer the question, population growth is a major contributing factor.
Participant: Mr. Tanaka, please tell us your opinion regarding irrigated agriculture.
Tanaka: Irrigated agriculture is not widely practiced in Africa, which is experiencing serious food shortages, even though this type of agriculture has the potential to significantly increase agricultural production. We believe it is important to create a viable system for areas where irrigated agriculture is not currently common, and this will be a challenge for the future.
Participant: Is the use of desalinated seawater being considered in areas with water shortages?
Tanaka: Seawater is used for agriculture in some parts of the world, like Spain. However, seawater desalination requires energy usage and is costly, so we believe there are still many issues to address regarding the use of seawater.
Participant: What kind of mindset does someone who received education and worked in Japan need to have in order to have a fulfilling career in an international agency like the World Bank?
Tanaka: When a person steps out of the comfort zone of a "homogeneous culture" like Japan to work at an international organization, it is essential for them to actively voice their opinions and make suggestions, rather than simply following what their superiors tell them. Additionally, rather than associating only with people who share similar values and backgrounds, it is important to embrace diversity (including race and gender). I don't think the observation, "It is only over drinks that we can discuss really important issues," is valid in the international community.
Finally, Professor Atsushi Tsuda, Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo, delivered the following closing remark: "I believe that we need to find ways to communicate to younger generations the importance of the issues Mr. Tanaka discussed in the second half of the event, including (1) the necessary qualifications for Japanese individuals to be effective on the global stage and (2) the creation of mechanisms to encourage challenge and change. I wholeheartedly wish continued success for Mr. Tanaka, who has built a successful career on the global stage, much like Mr. Shunsuke Mabuchi, who delivered a congratulatory address at the University of Tokyo’s matriculation ceremony this year."
In response, Mr. Tanaka concluded, "Today, I had the opportunity to interact online with a diverse group of people, from experienced senior professionals to energetic young individuals, and it was very stimulating for me. When I have conversations on similar themes with my usual acquaintances, we often arrive at already familiar observations and conclusions. In that sense, it was extremely valuable and refreshing for me to engage with people from different backgrounds in an event like this."
During the social gathering ("Konshinkai") that followed, many participants remained and continued lively discussions.
Author: Satsuki America Event Team (DC/New York)
Note: The views expressed at the event represent those of the speaker and not necessarily those of the World Bank.
(October 24, 2023) Networking events for overseas alumni held online during Homecoming Day 2023
In consideration of the time zones, a morning session was held for alumni in the Americas, while an evening session was held for alumni in the rest of the world.
In the morning session, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Canada-West Chapter, Satsuki-kai America, Stanford, Silicon Valley Akamon-kai, The San Francisco Akamon-kai, Greater Washington DC Area U-Tokyo Alumni Network, and Todai Houston Gakuyu-kai participated with 40 attendants while in the evening session,
´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Singapore, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Philippines, Todai Beijing Friendship Association, Shanghai Icho-kai, ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of India, the University of Tokyo Alumni Association in the UK, Europe Akamon-kai (France), Swiss Alumni Association of the University of Tokyo, Tansei-kai Nederland and Melbourne Akamon-kai participated with 36 attendants.
Both sessions consisted of a message from President Teruo Fujii followed by a Q&A session, then the semi-global Akamon-kai, where each association explained its own activities, and free discussion under the specific themes of "How to support students via overseas alumni associations," "How to maintain and expand alumni organizations," "Gender gap in ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app" and "Industry and academic collaboration with ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app."
Most of the participants gave favorable comments such as:
?The President's message on the current state of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app was very informative.
?It was a valuable opportunity to exchange information and ideas with ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni across the world.
?Activities of other alumni associations were introduced, which was very helpful.
We would like to have a similar event also next year, taking into account several suggestions given by the participants to further improve the content.
(July 3, 2023) Satsuki-kai and Satsuki-kai USA Co-host Joint Event "Insights into Mental Health Care in Japan and the United States: Perspectives from the Field"
The event focused on mental health care and featured three experts who actively work in the field from both Japan and the United States.
The presenters shared valuable insights into the current state of mental health care in both Japan and the United States. Following their presentations, engaging discussions and Q&A sessions took place, creating an interactive dialogue within the Satsuki-kai community. The event attracted a total of 56 participants, including current students from the University of Tokyo and attendees from overseas.
Event Details: Date: June 9, 2023 (Friday)
Time: 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Format: Online
Overview: Each of the three presenters delivered a 15-minute presentation, which was followed by an exchange of ideas and responses to pre-submitted questions. Additionally, the event included breakout sessions where participants were divided into four groups for 20-minute discussions. The presenters actively participated in these breakout sessions as well.
• Yasuko Tanaka: Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in 2006, graduated from law school, and passed the bar examination in 2009. In 2021, she launched the AADA helpline for Japanese residents in the United States in partnership with the Consulate-General of Japan in Houston.
• Mai Uchida: Graduated from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in 2007, completed psychiatry training at Yale University in 2011, and child psychiatry training at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, in 2013. She is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and co-author of "The Future Predictions of Geniuses". On April 20th, 2023, she published a new book on "Social Justice Pediatric Psychiatrist Examining Society". She is also a mother of 3 children.
• Chiyoko Uchida: Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, majoring in Agricultural and Horticultural Chemistry, in 1977. After completing undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Education, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1985. She practiced psychiatry in the United States and Switzerland. She has worked as a professor at Ibaraki University Health Management Center, Fukushima University (Special Needs), and a graduate school for working adults. She is planning to open the Uchida Mental Clinic in Yokohama in July this year.
The presenters discussed the situation, characteristics, and disparities in mental health care between Japan and the United States. They also highlighted specific examples of the significance of mental health care for children. Emphasizing that seeking mental health care should not be stigmatized, the presenters stressed the importance of raising awareness and working collaboratively as a society, including healthcare professionals, to address mental health issues. The presenters also explained the differences in insurance and healthcare systems related to mental health care between Japan and the United States. They further delved into how the United States responded to children's mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the breakout sessions, participants actively shared insights on maintaining a neutral position as counselors and the importance of counselors and therapists seeking their own counseling due to the nature of mental health consultations. The event provided a valuable opportunity for individuals of various age groups to deepen their understanding through active discussions, encompassing both medical care and counseling support for those seeking help.
The event received positive comments from the participants, with nearly 90% of survey respondents expressing high satisfaction with the event.
(May 29, 2023) Student group GERNE and ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Office for Alumni Affairs hold an online networking event for current students in cooperation with alumni associations in East and Southeast Asia
On May 27, 2023, student group GERNE and the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Office for Alumni Affairs held an online networking event for current students in cooperation with Todai Beijin Friendship Association, Shanghai Icho-kai, Tansei-kai (Singapore) and alumni from ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Phillipines and ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Association of Indonesia.
Three 30-minute breakout room sessions were held, and each breakout room, with titles such as Startup, Research, Trading Company, Bank, Government, Women, etc., was hosted by related alumni.
Many students gave favorable comments, including:
?Had an opportunity to listen to rare and valuable information from people on the ground and career experiences that cannot be obtained through the internet, and started to build a network with alumni, which likely will last long.
?Had an opportunity to listen directly to alumni who play active roles in various areas in Asia.
?Since the number of people in the breakout room was small, it was easy for me to ask what I wanted to know.
Steering members plan to hold a similar event inviting ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app alumni working in the US, maybe in the fall.
(May 10, 2023) Greater Boston ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Club Hosts a Get-together Meeting to Coincide with the Visit of Professor Teruo Fujii, President of the University of Tokyo
On April 30, 2023, the Greater Boston ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Club hosted a get-together meeting to coincide with the visit of Professor Teruo Fujii, President of the University of Tokyo. President Fujii along with Professor Takao Someya, Executive Director and Vice President, Professor Toshiya Watanabe, Executive Director and Vice President, and Masaki Kato, Secretary to the President, visited Boston to attend and present a speech at a workshop which was hosted by Greater Tokyo Biocommunity and held inBoston.
Nineteen alumni who are currently living in Boston attended the above meeting and shared their experiences of living and working in the United States.
It was the first time for the Greater Boston ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Club to host an event since the pandemic. All the participants enjoyed having conversations over a nice dinner and seemed especially happy to receive updates on the latest news of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app.
One of the issues the Greater Boston ´ºÓêÖ±²¥app Alumni Club faces is that members come and go so fast that building a middle and long term relashionship is difficult.